Product Description

  • Wheat
  • Wheat Grain

Wheat is a rich source of vegetable protein for human food. It is higher in protein as we compare it to the major cereals such as corn, rice and soybean. The wheat comes in 2nd place after rice as main food in humans. Wheat is originally from Ethiopian highlands and Levant region of the near east and now is cultivated worldwide.

Wheat is a staple food and used in making flour, breads, cakes, breakfast cereals, noodles and for fermentation to use as a biofuel. The whole grain is a source of minerals, protein and vitamins and refined grain is starch. The wheat is also planted at a limited extent as a forge crop for livestock. wheat straw is used for animal feed and as a construction material for roofing. It’s by products are germ and bran.

We offer you wheat supply from Pakistan, wheat supply from USA, wheat supply from Russia, wheat supply from France, wheat supply from Canada and wheat supply from Turkey.

We ensure that our clients are well educated in terms of the reliability, production statistics and delivery schedule of the leading manufacturers.

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