Effective Date: Tuesday, June 18, 1985 - 2024./h3>

Abdul Sattar Sons's commitment to privacy

Your privacy is of great significance for our company. The "Online Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") explains when you visit the Site or the same show this Privacy Policy

Abdul Sattar Sons other websites (hereinafter referred to as "our website"), our company will be how to protect your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains when you visit our website; our company will collect, or track what type of information, as well as the use of such information and shared objects. If this Privacy Policy you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

This site is published by pointing to the country in the establishment of site content

Abdul Sattar Sons operations. Website content is directed to the list available from the following web page: www.

Abdul Sattar Sons / worldwide. (Click on the top of each page of the "

Abdul Sattar Sons" link can access the page). This Privacy Policy "

Abdul Sattar Sons", "I" and "my company" and other terms are means

Abdul Sattar Sons.

Scope of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy covers collected through our website "personal information."

"Personal information" means information which identifies you personally identifiable information, either alone or with my identification of additional information available to the Company jointly identified. For example, personal information including your name, contact information, credit card information, job application materials, you are registered on our website personal account or create a profile to provide the information, and you visited our website and access the page path.

Yours Consent

Please take a moment to read this privacy policy. Your access to or use of this website signifies your agreement to our company by the provisions of this Privacy Policy, the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. If you do not agree with my company in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, please exit and do not use the Website.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

With our website features and functionality increases, I need to update this privacy policy or amendment. We reserve without prior notice, at any time in our company website privacy policy revisions rights. Privacy policy revisions made since the revision of the company's website the date of entry into force, and only applies to the company after the release of the revised version of the personal information collected. If you are after this change using any one of my company's Web site, you agree to the terms of the revised Privacy Policy. To this end, periodically review this privacy policy is very important.

If my company to revise this Privacy Policy will be the new policy goes into effect, at least 30 days of continuous at the top of this Privacy Policy, issued a notice, so you at a glance: Since your last visit, I have a privacy policy changes. For whenever you access the latest version of this privacy policy, simply click on the company website bottom of each page of the "privacy policy" link.

Privacy Notice

My company will be posted on the website from time to time "privacy notice" on this privacy policy be supplemented or amended. Typically, the privacy notice describes in detail our specific pages from the Web site or the forum collect personal information; I need this kind of information as well as the reasons to choose our company to use this kind of information.

You use the special features of this website, and encryption is required to follow the terms of the forum.

I am part of the company website has special features, such as licensed content or shop, or contains some encryption forum, such as forums, chat rooms, Recruitment forum or other customer-specific forum.

When you register to use special features or encrypted forum, our company will ask you to agree with some special provisions, for you to use special features to constrain or encrypted forum. In this case, you will be asked to expressly agree to special terms, for example, by checking the option box or click on the "I agree" button. Such an agreement is called "click" protocol. If you click on terms inconsistent with the terms of this Privacy Policy, then click on terms of the agreement the terms of this Privacy Policy can play a complementary role with the amendment, but only "click agreement" under the matter.

The information you provide. I gather you use our website when informed (via mouse and keyboard) to provide personal information. I gather you use depends on what information the way our website. For example, if you register my company chooses to receive e-mail notifications, then our company will collect your e-mail address as well as provide you with all the relevant information. If you through the "Contact Us" to communicate with my company, then our company will collect you fill out the "Contact Us" form to provide the information.

Under normal circumstances, for you to provide specific products, services or information necessary to meet your requirements ("required field"), and for to provide you with products, services or meet your requirements, useful but not essential information which between the two, I would be distinguished. Note if you do not provide those required fields, then I am unable to provide you with products or services will not be able to meet your requirements.

Supplementary Information

I would occasionally use the information obtained from other sources for the information you provided to supplement the information such as address verification, based on zip code and information about your business carried out information. I may also be used through other websites or other

Abdul Sattar Sons channels collect from you the information to me for you to supplement the information provided by the company. For example, if you are

Abdul Sattar Sons customers, our company will take you in doing business with

Abdul Sattar Sons to provide information to supplement the information you provide online.

Your browser sends the information to my company. I also collect information about your browser automatically sends the information to my company. This information typically includes the IP address, ISP (internet service provider) name, operating system name and version of the browser name and version, date and time, and the pages you've visited. "IP address" is your connection to the Internet automatically assigned to your computer with others, not a bunch of duplicate numbers used in cyberspace identify your computer's "position" in order to send the information you requested to you. If you are a dial-up connection or a connection to assign dynamic IP addresses, then each time you connect to the Internet, the computer will give you assign a new IP address. But if your computer is connected to the Internet the way is permanent, using a static IP address, then in general, every time you use your computer, assigned to your computer's IP address are the same. While the IP address does not recognize your name, but I will still be your IP address as your personal information.

Please note that when you received from my office to respond to electronic information, such as opening e-mail, download pictures or click on the link in the e-newsletter, your browser will take you (or others using your e- e-mail address of person) moves tells me company. I use this information to improve marketing effectiveness. In addition, the company also for security and fraud prevention purposes, check the server logs (log contains the visitor's IP address). If there is criminal activity involved, I will server logs and through the site collected personal information shared with the relevant investigative bodies. These agencies can track and identify individuals above information.

Cookies and Other Similar Technologies

Cookie is issued by the site and stored in the user's computer is a small file that helps the site remembers your information and your preferences. My company has a variety of use "Cookies" and other network technologies approach. For example, my company can use these techniques to use our website to collect user information on the way - access which pages, which links to use as well as the time spent on each page.

  • Support our website features and functionality - for example, allowing you to re-enter my company from the database already store the information, or recall the last time you visit our website to set the various settings.
  • Personalize your experience using our website and measure our website or e-mail advertising effect.
  • These may be related to the usage of the "Third Party Cookies" are used, that is my company's use of a service provider's software setup Cookies, for example, be used for page uses statistical analysis, interactive and recording sites for page access path, or use online advertising provider offers Internet advertising services.

    Generally, I use these technologies to collect information on the network does not recognize your name. But, if you use our website and register to create an encrypted forum user name, then I will use the network technology available information collected with other personally identifiable information about your link.

    If you do not want to receive your Cookies, you can set your browser so that it reject Cookies, Cookies implant or when the computer to remind you. You can also leave our site immediately delete Cookies. Although I do not require you to visit our website to accept Cookies, but you If your browser is set to reject Cookies, then you will not be able to use all the features of our website and functionality.

    Abdul Sattar Sons how to use your personal information?

    Generally, I will collect the company website personal information for the following purposes:

  • Provide your requirements, information and services.
  • Safety, credit and fraud prevention purposes.
  • Provide you with effective customer service.
  • When you use our website to provide you with a personalized experience.
  • When you visit our website display personalized advertising.
  • Contact you to provide you with special offers or other I think you would be interested in information.
  • Contact you to publish your website with our company related to the use of information and notification.
  • I invite you to participate in surveys and to provide feedback to the company.
  • Let our company to better understand your needs and interests.
  • Improve our website content and functionality to make it more user-friendly.
  • Improve my company's products and services.
  • Improve our company's marketing and promotional effectiveness.
  • Related "Privacy Notice"

    Abdul Sattar Sons or other agreement between you and mentioned purposes. Disclosure of your personal information Whom?

  • My company's ISP

    My company and my company to provide services on behalf of companies and organizations to share personal information, including

    Abdul Sattar Sons subsidiary of Holdings and commercial entities, such as support to our company to provide website services.

    Abdul Sattar Sons Interior

    My company will

    Abdul Sattar Sons internal (i.e

    Abdul Sattar Sons business units within the company) as well as other provisions on privacy policies "need to know" in my company to share personal information among affiliated companies.

    Commercial Transactions

    Abdul Sattar Sons may be due to strategic or other reasons, to make a sale, acquisition, merger or reorganization of one or more of their business decisions. Such transactions may involve the disclosure of personal information to the parties to the purchaser.

    Business Transfers


    Attributable to the acquisition, merger, reorganization or liquidation of other reasons, a company in the acquisition of

    Abdul Sattar Sons shares, assets or business units, the company may need to transfer your personal information.

    For the law or to protect our company and the rights of others

    In the law, or the receipt of a court order or subpoena in the case, the company will disclose your way very well-intentioned information. My company discloses your personal information in order further comprising: an investigation of possible criminal acts or to stop, such as fraud or identity theft; execution or application of the company's online terms or other agreement; protecting our rights or property, or My company users or others rights, property and safety.

    Press the "privacy notice" requirement for disclosure.

    We reserve the information provided in accordance with your page's "privacy notice" of the right to disclose personal information. You are on the page with your personal information; you indicate that you agree to that page of the "privacy notice" disclosure of your personal information.

    Press the "click agreement" said disclosure.

    You agree to keep my company at any "click" of the agreement the right to disclose your personal information.

    Your Selection

    In some cases, the company wills your personal information collection, use and disclosure of the way, giving you a few different options. If so, I will collect your personal information, please express your own choice. If you are in my company created a personal account on the website or individual files, you can also change their own account or profile page to update the settings on some or all of their privacy choices.

    How do you access, update or correct their personal information?

    If you are in my company's Web site creates a personal account or profile, then you can access and change your account profile page or to update their settings on some or all of your personal information. But in most cases, you will need the help of our company. You who wish to access, update or correct their personal information, please contact me, I will be in a reasonable time or within the relevant time limit prescribed by law for you to respond. To verify your identity, I may ask you to provide additional information. In most cases, I will provide you with access to channels, and correct or delete inaccurate information you find. In some cases, if the law permits or requires, or are unable to verify your identity, I will limit or reject your request.


    Although my company according to commercial rules takes reasonable measures to protect your personal information confidentiality, integrity or security, but I still cannot guarantee the security of your personal information. Therefore, I urge the users to use the Internet, take all precautions to protect their personal information.

    SSL protection

    Log on to our website encrypted forum, our company requires that your computer and the connection between our servers are secure connection. My company uses a technology called Secure Sockets Layer (abbreviated SSL) encryption technology, this secure connection should be maintained until you leave the security of our website forum. When personal information transmitted over the Internet, although the company has adopted the SSL encryption technology to be confidential, but on the Internet there is no perfect security, so I also cannot guarantee the transmission of information via the Internet security.

    Password Protection

    Some of our web site forum is encrypted; it is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of their password. Our company reserves the right to consider, where the use of the password assigned to you either visit our website that is the right to have access. For those with the password assigned to you who visit our web site all acts, you will take full responsibility, even if the person did not actually get your license. Or if you reason to believe that your password has been compromised, or someone without your authorization to use your password, you must immediately provide the functionality of the site to change your password.

    Abdul Sattar Sons links to other websites

    Abdul Sattar Sons and its affiliates operate many different websites, the respective content, features and functions are different, but the purposes of these sites are not the same. Therefore, not

    Abdul Sattar Sons and its affiliates operate websites are all subject to this Privacy Policy. When you pass the link on our website to access

    Abdul Sattar Sons and its affiliates operate other websites, taking the time to read about the privacy policies posted on the website.

    Links to third party websites

    The site also contains links to other websites of company operations, including third-party service providers and our third party unrelated websites operated. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any of these sites collect personal information. When you use the links on our website to access third-party sites, please click that taking the time to read the privacy policies posted on the website.

    Children's Privacy

    The goal of our website users frees for children under age of 13, and I also do not have a conscious company website to collect information from them or to sell them active. If I have learned through my 13 children under the age of any company's Web site provides personally identifiable information, I will take reasonable measures to delete such information from the database.

    From outside the Pakistan for persons visit the company website Special Notice

    Abdul Sattar Sons is a global company that has operations in many countries. Therefore, the purposes stated in the privacy policy, I may use your personal information for cross-border delivery. My company is headquartered in the Pakistan Punjab Multan City, my company's web server and database is also located within the Pakistan or other countries. In other countries working employee of my company (or my company's ISP staff), if there is "aware of the need", but also access these servers or database information. National privacy policies and requirements are different, and in some countries (including the Pakistan) on the legal protection of personal information than others large. But remember, regardless of your personal information is where the collection, use, transfer or storage, as long as the company's website through my collection, they will follow this applies to your privacy policy, privacy notices or click Agreement shall be dealt with. By using this site, you agree to the Pakistan or any other country in the world (or to the Pakistan or any other country in the world) the collection, use and transfer of your personal information.

    Our privacy practices related issues.

    If this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices of doubt, please contact:
